Development of visitor infrastructure such as luxury accommodation in natural environments

I was reading the national strategy for the visitor economy, THRIVE 2030 recently. This strategy recognises the importance of sustainability to the long-term growth and resilience of Australian tourism. Or does it?

Under Priority 5: Enhance visitor infrastructure, the strategy states…

5.2 Facilitate investment including through appropriate foreign direct investment programs to create new and refreshed offerings, including by governments working to reduce regulatory barriers to appropriate development of visitor infrastructure such as luxury accommodation in natural environments.

There are a few things that concern me here in terms of PRIORITIES.

1. Reduce regulatory barriers
2. Development of visitor infrastructure such as luxury accommodation in natural environments

There is not a lot more in the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) THRIVE 2030 document that relates to developments in National Parks but this priority alone is worth reflecting on.

Learn more here. or download the THRIVE 2030 strategy below.

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THRIVE 2030 Strategy