About the Paluma to Wallaman Falls Trail
The Paluma to Wallaman Falls Trail is a walking and mountain biking trail travelling along the traditional language and storylines of the Warrgamay and GuGu Badhun first nations people. Once completed in full, the trail would be approximately 127 km long (8 days / 7 nights) and provide a link between Paluma, a village amongst the rainforest, and Wallaman Falls, Australia’s largest sheer drop waterfall.
In 2019 a $450,000 injection of Commonwealth–State funding supported the development of an initial strategic business case and feasibility assessment of the proposed trail alignment. The strategic business case confirmed the feasibility of the concept trail alignment and tourism opportunity and recommends a staged approach to its delivery. The proposed Paluma to Wallaman Falls Trail would complement the region’s diverse portfolio of natural attractions including beaches, rainforest, islands, and the Great Barrier Reef.
Developing new ecotourism trails in National Parks are significant undertakings. However, in recognition of the business case findings and recommendations and to further reinforce The Queensland Government’s commitment to investing in ecotourism projects, in July 2022 a further $2 million of state funding was announced to support the next stage of the project.
What kind of ecotourism offerings could feature on the Paluma to Wallaman Falls Trail?
This project could offer Traditional Owner led cultural experiences, lookouts, activities such as guided walks, public campsites and could include privately-operated low-impact eco-accommodation.
Find out more via the project website.
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